Lorraine Foster BA (Hons) DipHE MBACP (Accred) Counselling & Supervision Services
in Hornchurch Havering


Lorraine Foster Therapy -Counselling Data & Privacy Policy


The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) is concerned with the personal information about you that we at Lorraine Foster Therapy collect, store and share.
Previously known as Privacy Policy this is now our GDPR Policy.

By contacting Lorraine Foster Therapy you are agreeing to the terms and conditions laid out within the policy and when you request counselling you will be asked to consent to our processing of your data under the terms of the policy


In accordance with the principles of the GDPR all collected information will be fair, open and transparent for it's intended use. All information collected will be necessary and not excessive for it's purpose. The information will be accurate, kept safe and secure and will not be kept any longer than required.

The Personal Information that may be collected for Counselling purposes may include some or all of the following:

Name and Date of Birth
Address and Contact Number
E-Mail Address (where possible)
GP Details
Ethnic Origin
Medical conditions and any Prescribed Medications


The information that is collected and stored will be used in the following ways:

To provide clients with the professional counselling services requested from Lorraine Foster Therapy
To notify you about any changes to your appointments and any changes within the services
To fulfill our administrative, legal and contractual obligations


All hand written notes will be kept in locked filing cabinets in our secure building until transferred (if necessary to electronic storage) and then shredded in a confidential manner

Any information stored on computers will be protected by current security software and ever changing Passwords

Client contact details will be stored on a mobile phone using initials only

NB. All possible technical measures will be put in place to keep all data safe and secure


All personal information collected and stored will be retained for no longer than is legally required.
Upon closure of the Counselling Therapy your address and contact details will be kept for a period of 3 months whereby all paper copies will be shredded in a confidential manner.
In accordance with legal requirements and obligations all case notes and client codes will be kept for a further 4 years after the final Counselling session.

You have the right to be informed as to what information that we have stored
You have the right to see the information that we hold about you
You have the right to rectify any inaccuracies or incomplete personal information that we may hold
You have the right to withdraw consent to Lorraine foster Therapy using your personal information

In the event of the Counsellors incapacitation, terminal illness or death another Counsellor will inform you of the situation and advise you of your options including access to another Counsellor from Lorraine Foster Therapy who will adhere to the same ethical framework and confidentiality requirements.

This is a live document and may be edited from time-to-time. Any substantial changes to this document will be notified to you by posting a prominent announcement on the website.

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